Definitions and Keybinds
provides a list of example keybindings you can use for other LSP features - including diagnostics (i.e. warnings/errors) and definitions.
Diagnostic Keybindings
The first of these keybindings are pulled straight from lspconfig
README on github.
If you are not using the Telescope plugin, you can omit the last keybind.
All of these keybinds make use of Neovim’s built-in diagnostic feature to open up warnings or errors raised by the LSP.
Most of these are self-explanatory (goto_prev
goes to the previous error, goto_next
goes to the next error, etc.)
opens the error is a small pop-up window in full, and you can repeat the keymap to bring your cursor “inside” the pop-up (use q
to quit).
LSP Keybindings
LSP keymaps are a little more complex, only because they require a little more Lua and Neovim magic. All of the code for this is in the lspconfig
Let’s break this down:
The autocmd created in the example code here is so the keybindings only activate when you are in a buffer which has an LSP client attached. The reason for this is so you can re-use keybindings which may do similar things outside of LSP buffers, for example exploring Neovim documentation with K.
The most common functions are:
- vim.lsp.buf.hover()
- vim.lsp.buf.format()
- vim.lsp.buf.references()
- vim.lsp.buf.implementation()
- vim.lsp.buf.code_action()